
Japan ISHL Inventory

Little Pro on 2015-12-31

Any substance that is not on ISHL list requires notification prior to manufacture or importation under the Industrial Safety and Health Law(Japan ISHL). ISHL list consists of two parts:

  • Existing chemical substances under CSCL(in commerce in Japan before 1973)- approximately 20,600 substances;
  • New substances notified under ISHL and published on government Gazette;

ISHL is available for search via the following link:

Japan ISHL List

Note: Chemical Substance Control Law(CSCL) has its own definition of new substances and its own existing substance inventory ENCS. You should also check ENCS for your substance.

Read more about new substance notification in Japan.

Reference & Resources

Click here to access all references and resources for Japan including the English translation of regulations, regulatory lists and useful links to the websites of competent authorities.

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 Tags: Topics - JapanExisting Chemical Inventory