
Japanese ENCS: List of Existing and New Chemical Substances

Little Pro on 2015-12-31

The inventory of existing and new chemical substances(Japan ENCS) consists of two parts:

  • Existing chemical substances placed on Japanese market before 16 Oct 1973 (approximately 20,600 substances);
  • New chemical substances that have been notified under the CSCL, determined to be "safe" and published on government Gazette (approximately 8,000 substances);

ENCS is available for search or download from Chemical Risk Information Platform (CHRIP) or J-check.

Japan ENCS Chemical Inventory

Tips on Searching Japan ENCS

Existing substances and notified chemical substances are assigned with METI numbers or Class reference numbers. A substance that does not have a METI number or Class reference number will be regarded as a new substance in Japan and require notification under CSCL.

It is not easy to search ENCS on CHRIP because ENCS listings are not based on CAS numbers. Each ENCS listing identified by one METI number may cover a number of similar substances. If you could not find a METI number or Class reference number for your substance on CHRIP, there are a number of options for you. You may search the METI number on this platform or ask a consultant for help.

Note: Industrial Safety and Health Law(ISHL) has its own definition of new substances. You should also check ISHL list for your substance. A substance that is listed on ENCS but not listed on ISHL list is also subject to new substance notification under ISHL.

Read more about new substance notification in Japan.

Reference & Resources

Click here to access all references and resources for Japan including the English translation of regulations, regulatory lists and useful links to the websites of competent authorities.

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 Tags: Topics - JapanExisting Chemical Inventory