
Chromium VI compounds

Little Pro on 2016-07-17

Chromium VI compounds are highly toxic for both acute and chronic exposures and can cause cancer. Chromium is mainly used to produce alloys. Chromium compounds, in either the chromium (III) or chromium (VI) forms, are often used for chrome plating, the production of dyes and pigments, leather and wood preservation, and treatment of cooling tower water.  

Chromium VI compounds and REACH annex XVII

Chromium VI compounds are included in REACH Annex XVII restricted substances list (entry 47). The restriction conditions are listed as follows

Product Limit
Cement and cement-containing mixtures <=2 mg/kg (0,0002%) soluble chromium VI

Leather articles coming into contact with the skin and articles containing leather parts coming into contact with the skin  

<3 mg/kg chromium VI in leather or leather part.

Chromium VI compounds and EU RoHS 2

EU RoHS 2 restricts chromium VI compounds in all electrical and electronic products. The limit is 0.1%. The limit applies to each homogeneous material in a product rather than a product or a part itself.

Cr(VI) and Other Regulations

Cr (VI) compounds are also restricted by the following 2 regulations:


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