Little Pro on 2015-12-31
Chemicals are currently managed by different competent authorities in Taiwan depending on their intended uses. The table below shows how different types of chemicals are regulated in Taiwan.
Industrial Chemicals |
Chemicals at Workplace |
Pesticides |
Pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics. |
The Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "TCSCA") is the most important chemical control law in Taiwan with a goal of preventing toxic chemical substances from polluting the environment and endangering human health. It has undergone 6 amendments since its first promulgation on November 26, 1986. The latest revised TCSCA was promulgated by Presidential Order on 11 Dec 2013 and comes into force on 11 Dec 2014.
The revised TCSCA introduces many concepts of EU REACH regulation into Taiwan. Under the new Act, enterprises manufacturing or importing new substances or a given quantity of existing chemical substances shall register those substances with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Enterprises that manufacture or import new substances or existing toxic chemical substances without the approval of the EPA will be liable to fines in the range of NT$200,000-2 million for manufacturers or NT$30,000-300,000 for importers.
TCSCA also requires enterprises who handle certain controlled toxic chemical substances to apply for permits, registration or approval and comply with relevant management measures.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is an amended version of previous Labor Safety and Health Act. It was promulgated on 3 July 2013 aiming at enhancing sound chemical management in workplace in Taiwan and comes into force on 3 July 2014.
Under OSHA, manufacturers or importers shall not manufacture or import new substances prior to submitting hazard and risk assessment report and obtaining the approval for registration of new substances.
In addition to that, OSHA stipulates that manufacturers or importers, prior to providing hazardous chemicals to business units or self-employed, shall label them and provide safety data sheets.
GHS has been implemented for selected chemicals in Taiwan since 2008. Full implementation in scheduled in 2016 for all hazardous chemicals with physical and health hazards. Both TCSCA and OSHA require chemical suppliers to label the packages and containers of toxic chemicals or hazardous chemicals and provide safety data sheets prepared in accordance with relevant GHS regulations and standards in Taiwan.
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Tags: Topics - Taiwan, Regulation Overview