Little Pro on 2016-11-21
Under all dangerous goods regulations (UN TDG, DOT, IATA, IMDG, ADR), the shipper has the responsibility to correctly describe dangerous goods on shipping paper. The critical shipping paper must be maintained for a given period of time (3 months to 2 years), depending upon the method of shipment. There are already many good guides on how to fill in dangerous goods shipping paper (for example, this one). In this article, we will only show you the example of filled shipping paper and how to get the information you need.
As a minimum requirement, the following information needs to appear on dangerous goods shipping paper.
An example of dangerous goods shipping paper is given as below. "X" marked in HM column means hazardous materials.
Firstly, you need to check if your hazardous materials are already listed on dangerous goods list in your country. If yes, you should be able to find UN identification no, proper shipping name, hazard class no. and packing group very easily (see example below). If not, you must know how to classify your hazardous materials, how to correctly determine UN number and proper shipping name and how to determine packing groups.
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Tags: Topics - TDG, Dangerous Goods