Little Pro on 2016-01-07
The UN Dangerous Goods List lists the proper shipping names and UN numbers of dangerous goods most commonly transported. The picture below is a portion of the Dangerous Goods list in the UN Model Regulations.
There are more than 2,000 entries in the UN Dangerous Goods List. Each entry consists of 11 columns and each column includes very useful info.
Column 1 UN Number
Contains the UN Number assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
Column 2 Proper Shipping Name (Name + Description)
Contains the Proper Shipping Names which may be supplemented by technical names or additional descriptive words.
Column 3 Class or Division
Contains the class and, in the case of class 1, the division and compatibility group.
Column 4 Subsidiary Risk(s)
Contains the class number(s) of any subsidiary risk(s).
Column 5 Packing Group
Contains the packing group number (i.e. I, II or III) assigned to the substance or article.
Column 6 Special Provisions
Contains a number referring to any special provision(s) indicated in chapter 3.e.
Column 7a Limited Quantities
Provides the maximum quantity per inner packaging for dangerous goods transported in limited quantities.
Column 7b Excepted Quantities
Contains a code which can be referenced to determine the maximum quantity per inner and outer packaging.
Column 8 Packing Instructions
Contains packing instructions for regular packages and ISO Bulk Containers (IBCs).
Column 9 Special Packing Provisions
Contains special packing provisions for packing instructions.
Column 10 Instruction for Portable Tanks and Bulk Containers
Contains instructions for portable tanks and bulk containers
Column 11 Special Provisions
Contains special provisions for portable tanks and bulk containers.
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Tags: Topics - TDG, Dangerous Goods