
Philippine Priority Chemicals List (PCL) and PCL Compliance Certificate

Little Pro on 2016-01-04

Philippine Priority Chemicals List (PCL) is a short list of hazardous chemicals that have been determined to potentially pose unreasonable risks to public health, workplace and environment in the Philippines (i.e., bio-accumulative, highly toxic, persistent). There are currently 48 chemicals on Philippine Priority Chemicals List (PCL). PLC compliance certificate is required before you can manufacture or import them.

Download Philippine Priority Chemicals List (PCL)

How to Apply for PCL Compliance Certificate

For importers/distributors, you need to provide the following documents to the local Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of DENR and apply for PCL Compliance Certificate before importation.

  • Letter request and notarized application form;
  • List of intended uses and volume info;
  • Safety data sheets;
  • Chemical management plan and contingency plan;
  • Hazard and environment release info.

Reference & Resources

Click here to access all references and resources for Philippine including the English translation of regulations, regulatory lists and useful links to the websites of competent authorities.

Having Questions?

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 Tags: Topics - PhilippineControlled Chemicals Trade