Little Pro on 2019-10-23
Chemical PSRA professionals need to access a wide range of database to understand the hazards, toxicities, uses and exposures of their chemicals on a daily basis. These data is either needed to prepare safety data sheets and product labels or used for safety assessment or selecting safer ingredients. In this article, we have summarized the most frequently used chemical hazard and toxicology database for specific chemicals that have been prepared by authoritative bodies such as WHO, FAO, and ECHA.
There is no doubt that ECHA's database for REACH registered substances is the most comprehensive database for industrial chemicals globally. You can easily find out whether a chemical substance has been registered in EU or not, search for proposed GHS classification and available toxicity, eco-toxicity and environmental fate info submitted by registrants. The database currently includes hazard data for more than 22,000 chemical substances.To search the database, all you need to do is to input substance name or CAS number.
OECD eChemPortal provides free public access to information on properties of chemicals such as physical chemical properties, ecotoxicity, environment fate and toxicity. While its data is not as detailed as ECHA's database, it includes chemical hazard data provided by other authorities such US EPA, Canada and Japan METI.
What is unique about eChemPortal is that allows simultaneous searching of reports and datasets by chemical name and identification number, by chemical property, and by GHS classification.
The Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), which is maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine, is a detailed listing of peer-reviewed toxicological data for over 5,000 chemicals, including information on human health effects, emergency medical treatment, physicochemical properties, metabolism, toxicology and laboratory methods. The HSDB also contains excerpts from human exposure case reports, in addition to summaries of laboratory animal studies.
The International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs) are data sheets intended to provide essential safety and health information on chemicals in a clear and concise way. The primary aim of the Cards is to promote the safe use of chemicals in the workplace. The main target users are workers and those responsible for occupational safety and health. The ICSCs project is a common undertaking between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), with the cooperation of the European Commission.
It is not a toxicology database. It intends to give a quick overview of chemical hazards in the workplace including physio-chemical hazards.
JMPR is an international expert scientific group that is administered jointly by FAO and WHO. JMPR toxicological monographs, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), contain detailed descriptions of the biological and toxicological data used in JMPR's evaluations for pesticides as well as conclusions such as intake assessments (ADI, RfD). It contains pesticide toxicity data from 1962 up to date.
The JECFA Monographs for Food Additives, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), contain detailed descriptions of the biological and toxicological data used in JMPR's evaluations for food additives and certain veterinary drug residues as well as conclusions such as intake assessments (ADI, RfD).
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